Ursula's Story
Your unique style is your signature: beautiful, powerful, and resilient. Loving life, you care about your environment and want to live to the fullest. You have an immense appreciation for beauty in all forms. You want to make your life meaningful and leave a part of your heart in everything you do. So do I.
I have always been fascinated with sparkly things… glitter, rhinestones, gold, silver, and gems. My first heirloom jewellery - gifted to me by my grandmother - was a petite pair of gold hoop earrings, which reminded me of her despite her being a sparkling and vast ocean away. And so my fascination with jewellery began.
My formal training and life as a dancer/choreographer/educator provides me with a foundation in the aesthetics of art. The transition to designing meant that my jewellery would include natural aspects of movement and passion. I am the fourth generation of metal smiths; my great-grandfather was an ironsmith, his son followed in his footsteps, and my mother was a welder. Other caring mentors and masters have passed down their stone cutting and gem faceting techniques, which now compliment my repertoire of skills and designs.
Jewellery can speak to your soul, remind you of a special person, and be an unspoken expression of you. Custom pieces, signature designs – all of these I create with long-lasting craftsmanship, and a piece of heart.
Like you, I arrived at this point having faced adversity and endured. After surviving a battle with my health, mine has been a journey of adaptation and renewal. It always comes back to finding love, inside and out.
To support the health of our future, a portion of all purchases are donated to a Children’s Cancer Fund and/or Breast Cancer Research.
Choose something that speaks to you in the Shop or connect with me to create a one-of-a-kind design or bespoke piece. For custom pieces, contact me here to realize that something special you've been thinking about.